Proven Tips for Digital Marketing Automation

Undoubtedly, technology can help enhance marketing results. Through marketing automation systems, you can send meaningful communications to existing and potential customers to nurture leads and convert them.

Through marketing automation services, businesses can

  • Send personalised emails to your leads and customers.
  • Choose from several templates for the one that suits your business needs.
  • Follow up with potential customers automatically and nurture them until they convert into customers.
  • Manage the entire subscriber list from one place conveniently.

In this blog, we have listed a few tips for digital marketing that has been tried and tested over the years by several successful businesses.

Marketing Automation

Tips for Digital Marketing Automation Services

1.      Develop a Marketing Automation Strategy: Even though marketing automation is extremely beneficial, it is advisable for businesses to not try and automate every part of their business. Ensure that you have a proper strategy laid out that adheres to your goals and objectives, and consider the activities that you wish to automate.


2.      Implement Marketing Automation: Implementing marketing automation can be quite intimidating, especially if you are unfamiliar with the technology. Before implementing marketing automation, decide how and how quickly you need to implement automation depending on the size of your company, available resources, and the types of tools you are using. Marketing automation services can take up multiple tasks, freeing you to focus on working with your best prospects.


3.      Email Marketing: One of the key and simple business processes to automate is email marketing. For example, sending emails to your newsletter subscribers frequently can be a time consuming process which can be eased using automation. Setting up auto-responders to new leads and customers is another way to automate business processes and this will allow you to send automated messages to users who sign up for the mailing list.


4.      Streamline Social Media Presence: One of the most effective marketing channels is social media and you need to invest sufficient time and effort for effective results. Automation can also help streamline several day-to-day tasks that allow users to perform their tasks efficiently and fetches better results.

Some of the tasks that can be automated involve-

·      Posting Content: Schedule your posts in advance with every social media platform.

·      Monitoring Content: Through marketing automation services, you can track key metrics such as follower growth.

·       Link Tracking: You can use unique links for each piece of content and track where your leads come from and how they interact with your website.

There are several social media management tools using which you can schedule your posts in advance through several accounts at once.

Digital Marketing Automation

1.     Building your List: To reach an audience and drive business growth, creating a list is a powerful tool. Through marketing automation, you can grow your list automatically. You can send emails with the right content and messaging at the correct time. At the same time, you can schedule emails when your audiences are receptive.


2.    Automate the Right Content for your Market: People tend to interact with relevant content and if they interact, it means they are interested in what you have to say which in turn converts leads into customers. Through marketing automation, you can track how people engage with your content such as the number of times they click on the link, open the email, or fill out a form. This data would help you enhance future communications. This data also becomes a part of real-time web analytics which allows you to determine your website performance.


3.      Nurture Sales Leads: You can nurture leads with specific content, help guide prospects through the sales funnel and move them close to the sale. Marketing automation services support content, landing pages, and social media to nurture leads into customers. Marketing automation allows users to grow their businesses without adding more people or time to your sales and marketing teams. You can use automation of these tools for both inbound and outbound marketing.


4.   Personalise the Customer Experience: One of the crucial aspects of any customer-facing business is personalisation. Customers tend to respond positively to brands that understand their needs, preferences, and interests, which can be quite a challenge. Also, through marketing automation, you can provide a seamless customer experience by automatically collecting and managing data at scale; and this creates a better experience for your customers.


5.  Follow-up with Customers Post Purchase: One of the key factors that helps promote a sustainable business is customer retention which encourages customers to keep coming back. In case you aren’t following up with your customers, you could be missing out on opportunities to grow your business. Through digital marketing automation, you can follow-up with your customers conveniently. Not only can you set up campaigns that follow up with customers who have purchased from your business but you can also send out personalised emails and messages at the right time to enhance your revenue and build a strong customer relationship.


6.    Generate Reports on Marketing Campaigns and Website Traffic: If you wish to enhance the performance of your marketing and sales team, analytics is extremely crucial. Through a comprehensive marketing automation platform, you can collect information about your customers which will help you track customer activities across all channels. These platforms can help you automatically generate reports on website traffic, sales leads, and conversions from social media platforms and downloads. At the same time, you can track the effectiveness of your sales emails through analytics.


7.   Don’t make it Understandable that you’re Using Automation: Just as automation can be a powerful tool, it can be dangerous too and can reduce engagement. Ensure that you speak with your subscribers as people would else you might run the risk of alienating your subscribers. Also, personalised subject lines can improve click-through rates (CTR).


8.    Align Automation with Your Business Goals: To maximise return on investment (ROI), you should align automation with your overall business goals. Design your automation strategy to deliver your desired results.


Wrapping Up,

The aforementioned points will help you solve the marketing and sales problems, provided they are implemented correctly. They will help streamline processes, generate more leads, and drive more revenue.

If you are looking for a leading digital marketing automation services company in Australia, 18th Digitech is your one-stop shop. We are one of the best Adobe (Magento) Gold Solution Partners and award-winning eCommerce agency. Get in touch with our expert who will provide you with personalised assistance to meet your business requirements perfectly.


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